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In your quest for a dynamic and interactive software experience, webhooks play a pivotal role in revolutionizing how data is exchanged and utilized. Webhooks are a powerful mechanism that allow you to receive real-time updates and notifications from Karani's platform. At Karani, we understand the importance of staying informed and up-to-date with critical events and changes that impact your workflows. By leveraging webhooks, we empower you to seamlessly integrate our system with your preferred applications and services. This integration enables you to receive instant notifications, automate processes, and trigger actions based on specific events, ensuring that you remain in complete control of your operations. Our commitment to delivering a personalized and efficient user experience extends to providing you with the flexibility and adaptability of webhooks, so you can harness the full potential of our platform to achieve your goals with precision and confidence.

Webhooks work great in platforms like Zapier!

Upon creation of the hook, Karani will watch for the event you chose to be triggered. When triggered, it will send that data to the URL you added for further processing in the third party application.


To create webhooks, head to Here you will be able to see all of your existing webhooks.

Add the URL for the specific webhook, as well as the event you would like to trigger the webhook.


  • contacts.create: Triggered when a contact is created
  • contacts.update: Triggered when a contact is updated
  • gifts.create: Triggered when a gift is created
  • gifts.update: Triggered when a gift is updated
  • pledges.create: Triggered when a pledge is created
  • pledges.update: Triggered when a pledge is updated
  • tasks.create: Triggered when a task is created
  • tasks.update: Triggered when a task is updated